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Ten exercises to get the most out of your punching bag?

Ten exercises to get the most out of your punching bag?

Punching bags have become increasingly popular as workout tools in recent years. They are simple to use and can provide a great workout if done correctly. Proper punching bag use requires determination and focus, but with the proper technique, punching bags can be an extremely effective way to sculpt and tone your body. Continue reading to know how to use a punching bag effectively while exercising. 


#1 Throw punch combinations in sets of 45 seconds continuously 

Simply punching the bag, you can end up wasting your time as it won’t help you get into good shape. Instead, concentrate on throwing one or two types of punches during the round on your free standing punching bag, like hooks, jabs, and uppercuts. Focus on your centre engagement and move your feet to keep your entire body moving constantly. After this, you can relax for 15–20 seconds after 45 seconds. Other than this, you can try the following popular combinations:

  • 1 jab with the left hand, 1 jab with the right.
  • 2 jabs with your left hand, followed by 1 jab with your right.
  • 1 uppercut followed by 1 jab.
  • 1 jab, followed by 1 hook.

#2 For 5 rounds, try out different combinations

If you continually hit the ball with your hands, switch things up and experiment with different punches to pick up some new skills. As soon as the first round is finished, opt to throw uppercuts in the next round. After each round, do not start the next one before taking a break. When you're finished with round five, you've worked up quite a sweat. Try adding more or experimenting with 4 or 5 punch combinations as your punches line up. 

#3 Work your way up to 5 rounds and perform them for 3 minutes individually

Starting a structured workout with your bag can sometimes be tiring, so perform punches for 3 minutes or so. If you can't finish the entire three rounds, you may go as long as possible, though being more energetic is advised. After completing your round, take the time or 30 seconds to relax before working again with your boxing bag. You would have completed a tiring 15-minute workout after five rounds.

#4 Use both hands to punch one by one

Switch arms after each punch that you throw at a punching bag to make your moves cleaner and maintain consistency. This is especially important when you have just begun practising or are starting out. As soon as you begin to feel more at ease, you should experiment with switching to combinations of two to three punches, such as left to right and then left or right to left and repeating left, in order to make some changes in your routine. To ramp up the difficulty of your workout, give that final punch in a combo a little bit more force than the others. When you throw a punch, maintain a defensive stance by raising your opposite hand upwards in front or side of your face and keeping it there. After landing your last punch, ensure your arm doesn't fall to your side. 

#5 Intensify your exercise by shifting the bag in between your punches

Although you should place your legs stably while you are punching, you can try to keep a light step after you've landed all of your blows. You might want to move in the same way as the hand that was used for the recent punches; for example, if you just landed a punch with your left hand, you should move to the left. You should continue to move around the bag throughout the entirety of your workout in order to give yourself opportunities to punch from a variety of different angles. If the punching bag comes in your direction, you should practise going backward or sidewards to keep the same distance from it.

#6 When you don't have gloves on, you can practise your form by throwing punches with less force

If you have a good experience of practising with a punching bag, you can manage without gloves because you will have gained some muscle memory. Keep your concentration on your accuracy as you throw a punch, and as soon as your fist connects with the bag, quickly pull it back to avoid injuring yourself. Your knuckles, forearms, and wrists can benefit from practising without gloves if you want to get stronger. But be extremely careful as if you punch harder, it can lead to several injuries.

#7 Kick the punching bag

You may place your non-dominant foot opposite from the hand you use to write to serve as a pivot. Your rear foot is usually on the opposite part of your leg that you use to write. Put your rear foot approximately half a foot in front of you as you turn your body so that your dominant foot is behind you. Stand a little over twice your height away from the bag. For instance, if you write with your right hand, you should position your left leg in front of you. Now, shift your weight off your stronger foot and onto your weaker foot so that you are supporting yourself by the foot of the leg that's not your dominant foot. To begin kicking the ball, rotate your upper body and hips so that they face the object and raise the leg behind you with your weaker foot. You should begin slowly practising your kicks. This will help you in improving both your stability and balance. Practice light kicks in a similar manner.

#8 Instead of hitting the bag with your foot, use your shin to do it

You run the risk of breaking bones in your foot if you punch punching bags because they tend to be heavier on the bottom. Instead, you can focus on landing your kick along with the stronger centre of the shinbone when you practise this technique. Continue kicking with all of your might by carrying it out to its full potential. While working the bag, mix in some kicks between your punches every so often. If you want to add some variations to your regular workout, you could try kicking the bag at different heights. Even if you only hit the bag with your shin, it is possible that it will still hurt. If you are experiencing pain, you should begin with some less intense kicks and gradually build up your tolerance.

#9 This is the Counter-Puncher Defense Heavy Bag Drill

Here is how to perform these exercises: 

  • Take a step backward as if you are trying to avoid a jab from your opponent. Boxing technique that involves throwing a straight right, then immediately following it up with a hook on the left, and finally dodging beneath the opponent's counter right. The next part of the pull counter is as follows.
  • You should move to the right to avoid the jab that your opponent is going to give you, and then you should counter with a right. You can repeat this process multiple times, which translates to duck, right hand, duck, right hand.
  • Shoulder roll, left-hand right hook, straight left, and roll under their right hook are the moves you need to complete this combination.

#10 The Heavy Bag of Endurance

Three rounds, each consisting of one thousand punches, with breaks as required while performing this. If you do not have access to a punch counter, you are free to continue using the timed rounds, but you should still take breaks when they are required.

This is a famous workout made by Floyd Mayweather, the only person ever to hold that title. The operation is as follows:

You throw straight punches at a relaxed pace while continuously hitting the heavy bag. Uppercuts and hard hooks should be thrown every fifteen to twenty punches at random intervals. This can help in relieving some of the regularity and make your shoulders relax, but you should be aware that it will increase the strain placed on your lungs. 

If necessary, you can modify the number of punches in each round to better accommodate your current state of physical fitness, regardless of whether this represents an improvement or a decline. Just make sure that the number you choose is one that you can maintain for the entire three rounds.

Wrapping Up

If you love boxing, these are the go-to exercises you can perform with your punching bag. Get into your boxing outfits, wear your gear, and head up to do an amazing workout. Perform a good warm-up before you start and you will surely have an amazing workout!

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